Me and my Baby Girl

Me and my Baby Girl

Thursday 15 December 2011

What helps

My husband. The only other person on earth who misses Jasmine and mourns for her, as I do. The only one who knew her like I did, and loved her like I did. The only one who understands how it feels to have wished it had been you who died and not her, because he feels it too. 

My dogs, Bailey and Charlie. Cuddles available, any time, day or night. Unconditional love by the bucket load!

Friends and family who have contacted me regularly to see how I'm doing. It has been disappointing how few of these there are (if you don't count Facebook, which lulls people into believing they are in touch without ever having to pick up the phone), but those that have really have kept me going. xx

Friends who allow me to talk about any aspect of what I am going through, no matter how harrowing it is for them to hear, without making me feel guilty about it, or subtly suggesting I 'tone it down a bit' to protect the feelings of others. I have a few good friends who have done exactly this over the past 10 months, and they have shown courage and determination in being there for me. Hearing about it all is not easy for anyone, but those who really care lots, step up to the mark, Thank you, I have appreciated very moment you've spent listening. xxxx

Having met two other Mums in almost identical situations. Children we feel may have been failed by the NHS, mothers who felt forced to abandon their own instincts in favour of medical opinion, only for that to come back and haunt them for the rest of their lives. We help keep each other sane through the ordeal that is the complaints, and inquests, process.

My Bereaved Parents Group. We meet in Milton Keynes once a month, and we all get to be in a room full of people who have endured the same loss, carried the same pain, and to whom we need explain nothing. In that room we are 'normal' . It is a lifesaver and I am thankful the group exists.

My counsellor, and my psychologist. My weekly visits with these two wonderful women help me make sense of, and cope with, the reality of what happened to Jazzie, remind me that I did not fail as her mother because I was unable to save her myself, and help me cope with the aftermath of witnessing Jasmines suffering and death, and what that has done to my own health and state of mind.

Monday 9 May 2011


I have found it amazing how many people respond when my facebook status says I'm low by commenting 'Think of you every day', 'Think of you all of the time' , "always in my thoughts'.
How am I supposed to know this if they do not pick up the phone?
I appreciate people 'thinking' of me, but unless they pick up the phone, or come round, it doesn't help me much. In this case it definitely isn't the thought that counts!!
It can be very difficult to know people care about you if they spend so much time thinking and so little doing.....
This sounds like an angry post, I didn't mean it to be when I started to write it, but maybe I am a little angry about the thoughtlessness (how ironic), and emptyness, of 'thinking of you' comments.

Saturday 7 May 2011


It's raining, absolutely throwing it down. It can't be true but it feels like the first time it's rained like this since she died. Finally the weather matches my mood...

Friday 6 May 2011

Who cares?

The pain of losing a child is so isolating.
I'm not short of friends or family, I'm lucky to have many close relationships, and usually, no matter what the problem, one of them has had a similar experience at some point and can help guide me through. But this, this is totally different.
It's debilitating, for me and those around me. I'm so low I can barely communicate with anyone, because anything anyone says seems to remind me of how different my life has become to theirs. My friends, I can tell, are in a panic whenever they are around me, what to say, what not to say, what can they do?, nothing. Really, I want to do the talking, I want to talk about Jasmine all day long, constantly analyse every last detail of what happened to her, talk about how much I love her, how much I miss her and ache for her. I don't really care about anyone else's lives or day, compared to mine they sound pretty rosy! What kind of friend have I become? A terrible one. My friends used to turn to me with problems, now they don't want to bother me because I have enough to deal with. This leaves me even more cut off and isolated from reality. I used to be needed. Needed by my daughter, my husband, needed by friends, family... Now my baby is gone, and I feel redundant, and that is exacerbated by the avoidance of anyone I know to tell me any of their woes. But I don't care about their woes anyway... Crikey is there any way out of this mess?

Wednesday 4 May 2011

This is my life

I spoke to my Dad on the phone and told him about my weekend. We had spent 24 hours with family members who have a 6 year old and two 3 year old's between them. Jasmine would have loved it. And I would have so loved seeing her enjoy herself and interact with them. She would be nearly two, so all of that would be starting to happen for her.
I told Dad it was lovely being around children, but so so painful at the same time. He told me that each time I do it I'll get a little more used to it, 'without Jazzie'
It hit me hard..... he's right. I have to get used to the constant pain that is my life now that she has gone. The enormity of that fact is almost too much to bear.