Me and my Baby Girl

Me and my Baby Girl

Friday 6 May 2011

Who cares?

The pain of losing a child is so isolating.
I'm not short of friends or family, I'm lucky to have many close relationships, and usually, no matter what the problem, one of them has had a similar experience at some point and can help guide me through. But this, this is totally different.
It's debilitating, for me and those around me. I'm so low I can barely communicate with anyone, because anything anyone says seems to remind me of how different my life has become to theirs. My friends, I can tell, are in a panic whenever they are around me, what to say, what not to say, what can they do?, nothing. Really, I want to do the talking, I want to talk about Jasmine all day long, constantly analyse every last detail of what happened to her, talk about how much I love her, how much I miss her and ache for her. I don't really care about anyone else's lives or day, compared to mine they sound pretty rosy! What kind of friend have I become? A terrible one. My friends used to turn to me with problems, now they don't want to bother me because I have enough to deal with. This leaves me even more cut off and isolated from reality. I used to be needed. Needed by my daughter, my husband, needed by friends, family... Now my baby is gone, and I feel redundant, and that is exacerbated by the avoidance of anyone I know to tell me any of their woes. But I don't care about their woes anyway... Crikey is there any way out of this mess?

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